The Spring Grove Area Veterans Memorial, LLC
New Names for 2023
The Spring Grove Veterans Memorial Group, LLC, is pleased to announce that we are adding three new names to the Spring Grove Veterans Memorial located in Viking Memorial Park.
As of 2/1/2023
Korea and 1950s:
Charles E. Peterson
Roger O. Lanswerk
Lebanon, Grenada, Panama 1976 – 1989
Rosemarie F. Ulven
Number of Veterans' Names on the Memorial
As of Feb 1, 2023
Listed by Era *
Civil and Indian Wars 177
Spanish American 3
World War I 183
World War 2 333
Korea 154
Vietnam 176
1976 – 1989 Lebanon, Grenada, Panama 15
Persian Gulf and Global War on Terror 43
Total 1084
* Includes 60 Gold Star Veterans